C Language
   1.  C Language Introduction

   2.  Block Diagram Execution of C Program

   3.  Structure of C Program

   4.  Installation of Turbo C++

   5.  First Program (Welcome Program)

   6.  Escape Sequence Characters

   7.  C Tokens

   8.  Data Types in C

   9.  Type Modifiers: (signed, unsigned, short, long)

 10.  Variable

 11.  Initialization of variable with Data Types

 12.  Initialization of all Data Types

 13.  Specified Number of Decimal Points for floating Values

 14.  Constants

 15.  Symbolic Constants (Global Values)

 16.  scanf statement

 17.  scanf to read the data of int, chat, float and double

 18.  Skipping Problem

 19.  fflush or flushall function

 20.  string function

 21.  To accept a string from keyboard and display the string

 22.  gets function

 23.  To enter any Character and display it's ASCII Value

 24.  To enter any ASCII Value and display it's Character

 25.  To enter any Date in Date format and Display the Given Date

 26.  Operators in C

 27.  Arithmetic Operators

 28.  To enter any Two Numbers and test all Arithmetic Operators

 29.  Relational Operators

 30.  Logical Operators

 31.  Assignment Operators

 32.  Increment and Decrement Operator

 33.  Bit-wise Operators

 34.  Bit-wise Logical Operators

 35.  Bit-wise Shift Operators

 36.  Special Operators

 37.  To find the Maximum and Minimum values between any Two Numbers

 38.  To check whether the given number is even or odd using special Operators

 39.  To find the Maximum and Minimum values of given Three Numbers

 40. Comma Operator Program

 41.  sizeof operator program

 42.  Type casting (or) Type conversion

 43.  To enter Base and Height of a Triangle and to calculate it's Area

 44.  To enter Radius of Circle and to calculate its Area.

 45.  Simple Interest Calculator

 46.  Swapping of given two values using temporary variable

 47.  Swapping of given variable without using temporary variable

 48.  Control statements (or) Control Structures

 49.  Conditional Control Statements

 50.  Unconditional Control Statements

 51.  Loop Control statements

 52.  To find the Maximum value of Two Numbers using simple if

 53.  To find the Maximum value of Three numbers using simple if

 54.  To find the maximum of two numbers using if-else
 55.  To check whether the given number is even or odd by using if-else

 56.  To find the maximum of Three Numbers using Nested if

 57.  To find the maximum of Three Numbers by using else if ladder

 58.  To check whether the given number is alphabet or digit or special character

 59.  To check whether the given character is vowel or consonant

 60.  To enter student details and calculate total marks, average, result and grade.

 61.  To enter consumer details and to calculate the total units and bill amount.

 62.  Employee gross salary, deductions and net salary 

 63.  To test all Arithmetic Operations using switch statement

 64.  To test all arithmetic Operations Using Switch Statement (Second Method)

 65.  To display Natural Numbers from 1 to Given Number using goto statement

 66.  To print Natural Numbers from 1 to Given Number using while loop

 67.  To display even and odd numbers from 1 to given number by using while loop

 68.  To print sum of Natural Numbers from 1 to given Number

 69.  To display Factors of given number using while loop

 70.  To find the factorial of given number using while loop

 71.  To find the reverse number of a given number using while loop

 72.  To check whether the given number is palindrome or not

 73.  To check whether the Given Number is Prime or not using while loop

 74.  To generate Fibonacci series up to n terms using while loop

 75.  To display Natural numbers from 1 to given number is using do-while loop

 76.  To display Natural Numbers from 1 to given number using for loop

 77.  To find the Reverse Number of a given number by using for loop

 78.  To check whether the given number is Perfect Number or not using for loop

 79.  To check whether the given Number is Armstrong Number or Not by using for loop

 80.  To display Multiplication Table of given number from 1 to 20 using for loop

 81.  To display Prime Numbers from 1 to given number using nested loop

 82.  To display prime numbers between given Two Numbers using Nested loops

 83.  To Display Palindrome numbers from 1 to n numbers using Nested Loops

 84.  To Display Perfect Numbers from 1 to given number

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